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NOFX Neben einer Split mit Frank Turner und charmanten Garten-Konzerten gab es in den vergangenen Monaten auch immer mal wieder einen neuen Song von NOFX. "I Love You More Than I Hate Me " zum Beispiel oder "Doors And Fours".

Mit "Linewleum" haben sie nun einen Song über einen ihrer frühen Songs aufgenommen: "Linoleum". Mit am Start waren auch Avenged Sevenfold, zudem gibt es ein einfach mal sensationelles Video (mehr zum Hintergrund gibt’s im Statement von Fat Mike weiter unten). Obendrauf haben NOFX auch noch ein neues Album angekündigt! Am 26. Februar erscheint, natürlich auf Fat Wreck Chords, "Single Album". Also bald. Also toll!

Fat Mike sagt: "I have no idea why 'Linoleum' is THE NOFX song that is covered by so many bands while other NOFX songs get hardly any attention. 'Linoleum' wasn't a single, it had no video, it got no radio play, and most importantly, it didn't even have a chorus!!! All popular songs have choruses! WTF! So, One night I stayed up till 4:00 am checking out all the different versions on YouTube. Watching hundreds of bands from over 28 countries (mostly Indonesia) doing 'Linoleum' was a humbling experience for me. So I decided to write a song that was a shout out to all those people that learned those four chords and remembered the non-rhyming lyrics. Then I asked the biggest of all the bands (Avenged Sevenfold) to play some leads on the song. Then M Shadows suggested we do a video together. Then I figured I should put all of the bands in the video. Well, I couldn't fit all the bands, but I picked a bunch of cool ones! A song about not playing a song that's not a hit song with a video about other bands covering the song! This is why I love punk rock writing punk songs. Rules out the door!"
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